This week our intention to get cycle fit for our trip to Europe came into play. On Monday Fixit Guy and I started our "training". He is much fitter than me and has been riding more and has a faster bike so after the first day I told him to go at his own pace and do his own thing and I would do my own thing. So long as he knows my route and can come rescue me if I get into trouble I am happier doing it that way.
Our preferred route is a road out of town that basically only goes to a couple of farms and isn't a through road so there isn't much traffic. Door to door it is 15kms.
Monday I rode to a pokemon stop on the way home so made it 16kms and then I rode to school to teach religion in the afternoon - only a short trip.
Tuesday I rode 17kms by adding a few detours (including a pokemon stop)
Wednesday 20kms was achieved by adding lots of little detours (and a poke stop)
Thursday my legs were tired so I just went door to door 15kms
Friday we declared a rest day. We want to do a longer ride hopefully tomorrow so thought we would give our limbs time to recover a bit more. I did ride up to the Chiropractor (just 3 or 4kms all up... I forgot to check) and we will ride down to church later on to do the cleaning.
I forgot to weigh myself this morning but yesterday I was down to 95.9kgs and was very pleased with that.
I haven't really been tracking my fitbit numbers although
Friday 5 562
Saturday 11 611
Sunday 8 846
Monday 12 015
Tuesday 7 139
Wednesday and Thursday my fitbit didn't record my steps for some reason - showing zero. Not sure why. Its recording again this morning though so
You are soooo inspiring. I live right next to a Pokestop at the old cathedral near my house. I am making a third trip to the gym today as it started to snow again. I am down 2 stinkin' pounds since Christmas. I get so frustrated. I just am on pins and needles to read about your trip later this year!!!