Make Pencil cases for Handmade Love. I got 8 completed so was very happy with that
Make 3 more casserole carriers. I got one done. Oh well
Pin and Quilt Onya Bike - I didn't get to this mainly because I have decided to leave it till the Patchwork Club I belong to gets their Long Arm machine and I will do it on that.
Make 3 baby quilts. I have the three tops made but need to work on borders for 2 of them. One is pinned ready to quilt
Make backing for My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes - Done and its pinned ready to be quilted
Make Backing for Hexie Quilt - Done. I am waiting on my next bolt of batting to arrive before I get it pinned. Or then again I might do it on the long arm
Assemble Amy Gibson BOM quilt - done! The blocks are together. Now I have to make the backing
Quilt Hashtag quilt - done
Quilt Dash to Japan - done
Get up to date with Summer Reading QAL - done although I might be behind again. I have to put it together
Make Birds in the Air blocks for Twilter block swap. Done. They have arrived at the swap co-ordinators place and soon she will be doing the swap and we will get ours back. Whoo hoo
Sooooo Not a bad effort at all. The only goal I made no progress on was the quilting of Onya Bike and that was for very good reason.
Now to set the goals for this coming month
- quilt Onya Bike
- finish quilts for my great niece and great nephew who are already here.
- Finish a quilt for my friends grand daughter and make one for a baby boy born overseas. He gets one featuring Australian animals.
- work on quilt for great niece/nephew due by the end of the year
- quilt Hexie quilt.
- quilt Amy Gibson BOM
- quilt My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes
- make Christmas themed items for HML stall at craft show at the end of the month.
- empty scrap basket
- finish Summer Reading QAL
- get up to date in the mystery quilt my group is running