Friday, April 3, 2015

Busy Month Ahead

 To those of you who have come here with the A-Z blogging challenge. This is not my post for that... go one blog post forward... or back and you will find it but feel free to read on anyway
I joined A Lovely Year of Finishes last month. I completed my project. I wrote a blog post about finishing... and then forgot to link it to the linky party. Oops. I did finish it... honest guys.  I had nominated my Tea Shop Quilt and I got it done with a few days to spare and wrote about it here I just forgot to link up.

So this month I will try to do better.

I am taking part in a swap this month organised by Sandi from Quilt Cabana Corner. We are swapping Mug Rugs. My swap partner is in the USA and I am going to make her a mug rug using some Australian print fabric. Better not say too much about it cause I know she reads my blog sometimes it would be nice if it turns out to be a bit of a surprise. Its only a small project but really ... it might be as much as I can manage.

April is going to be hugely busy for me. It already is proving to be

Bloging from A to Z

I'm taking part in the Blogging A-Z challenge and it is taking up heaps of time. I am searching for photos to go with my posts. Many of our older photos are on an external hard drive that has been playing up and getting the photos off there became a major concern. I also realised that there are several years worth of photos on my old lap top that has stopped working too. I had never gotten around to putting them onto the hard drive ... because it was playing up but never put them onto anything else either. Now a friend is going to try to rescue them for me. At least a lot of them are on facebook now :)

Anyway - whilst searching for relevant photos I have been going through the rescued folders and sorting them out - rearranging, labelling, editing. This is all enormously time consuming (I  now have to remember to copy them all to a new external hard drive AND to disk as well and maybe some online storage too.....) That has been an enormous time sink.

I have been trying to write my blogs ahead of time because in one week Fangirl, Fixit Guy and I are heading overseas to Malaysia for 6 nights. Actually we leave home on Thursday and don't get back till the following Saturday night because we are driving to and from Brisbane,  so that means I need to get all those blog posts written ahead of time. That's H to P! Being a tiny bit OCD I am having to work through them in alphabetical order so getting the ones before hand done first. I'm up to O now so nearly done. But its taking all my time and thoughts and the projects I had planned to do this week have been put off. Hopefully once I get to P I can relax a bit... hopefully.

When I get back I am going to be working full time for a week. I know lots of my dear readers do that all the time but I don't. I'm almost retired... I thought I had retired till I went back one day a week for this term, but that was it... only now its that first week of the next term.

One way and another it is NOT leaving me much time to complete any major quilting projects this month. You will note (those of you who have followed me for a little while) that my goals for this month are far more modest.

I do have to complete a pattern test for someone but obviously I can't blog about that or show you pictures... so that can't be my project for this month.

So - this mug rug is going to be it.

I might surprise myself and get it and lots else done too... but don't hold your breath.

Linking up with A Lovely Year of Finishes at Fiber of All Sorts


  1. She reads it all the time - just a little late some of the time!

  2. Your quilt is gorgeous - congratulations on a lovely finish :)
