Sunday, March 16, 2014


In the blog post I did last Thursday I talked about it being turtle on the move season. When Fixit Guy and I had been walking the dogs by the river on Wednesday we saw 3 turtles crossing the track. Then when out running on Thursday I had seen one crossing the bitumen road I was running on. Then on Saturday when I was out walking the dogs by the river I saw 3 more. Now they could have been the same turtles I had seen a few days before... I am not much of a turtle expert. This time I was not in such a hurry to snap the photos. The dogs weren't interested... well not very so I wasn't distracted by trying to keep them from bothering the turtles so I was able to take a little bit more time and care. The photos are from my phone so not necessarily as high a quality but they are clearer than the ones I took the other day so worth sharing.


  1. some people are having trouble commenting. This is a test

  2. They seem to be posing for you :D

    1. it seems that it is the non google people having the most hassle. If you have a good id or one of the other ones then it posts but the open id in particular isn't working for people

    2. oh dear. Silly me. I read posing as posting. Sorry. I had just asked people to check if they could leave comments. Head in wrong space. Yes the turtles without the dogs to hassle them just stood there looking at me... they could hardly hope to run away and once they are inside their shell not much I could do to hurt them. Same with the dogs really. I haven't seen any more on my recent runs and walks so maybe whatever stirred them up has passed

  3. Kind of fun to see turtles on the road as you go about your business! Love it.

    1. given the speed at which I run..... I am thinking I should adopt the turtle as my logo LOL. haven't seen any hares or rabbits on my runs and walks... although I do see kangaroos fairly regularly
