Thought that I would check back in on my goals for this month and see how I am doing
August Goals
1. Work on Trip around the world (work out a name for it to make it easier to refer to)
I renamed this quilt Sunburnt Zebra's - from the joke What's black and white and red all over.... A Sunburnt Zebra. Not only did I name it but I got it finished. Yay.
2 Start work on Teashop quilt - choose background fabric for blocks, trace off applique pieces. Get things prepped for taking it away to work on whilst travelling
Haven't done anything with this yet. I need some more applique paper before I can get too far with it. I eneded up buying three patterns and I want to get them all prepped to take away with me

3 Blue Jeans Quilt - get it prepped to take away on holidays with us. This will be my machine project whilst we are travelling.
Making good progress with this. Originally I was just going to trace out the circles and leave cutting them out till we were travelling but then I decided to go ahead and cut them out. I may even start sewing it before we leave. I've designed a heart pattern to work into the design. Will have to see how it goes
4 Disappearing Hour Glass quilt - collect together green and cream fabric for this quilt. This will be my project for Patchwork Group.
Fabrics for this quilt all chosen from my stash. I cut out the 10" squares of both the cream and the green fabrics. I have made all the half square triangles for it. I will start sewing them into the hour glass block next week. Will have to watch the video a few times so I know what I am actually doing before I cut the hour glass block up and start to make the rearranged block
5 Cut scrap pieces. The basket is overflowing
I got the scrap basket totally emptied out and the pieces put away into my scrap drawers. Now it is full of denim off cuts. Its a never ending job
6 Make a seasonal wall hanging from Mum's embroideries
Haven't started on this one at all. I went to get the embroideries out Thursday and instead dragged out my orphan blocks and have been designing a quilt top using some of them instead.
7 Do projects from Caro Sheridan's photography class on Craftsy. Watch one other craftsy class
Haven't done this. I have found the manuals for both of my camera's though so that counts doesn't it?
8. Label Disappearing into the Blue
Haven't done this yet. Need to do one for Sunburnt Zebras as well.
This means 3/4 of the way through the month I have accomplished 4 of my goals so had better get my skates on if I am to accomplish all of them. I also need to start to think about what my September goals are going to be.
How are you going with your quilty goals for this month.
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