Monday, September 29, 2014

Wrapping up my September Monthly Goals

Only one more day of September to go so time to review how I went with my September Goals

1) Jeans quilt. The circles are all cut and 190 of them have the 5" square traced onto them. I want to get the other 65 circles marked and the 255 5" squares selected. Completed

2) Finish tracing off the applique pieces for the tea shop quilt. Select fabric and get the applique ironed onto background fabric ready for our trip. Sort out embroidery threads to take with us. Completed apart from sorting out the threads. I have worked out a design for the quilt and will be able to work out what extra blocks I need to make, hopefully tomorrow and get them packed for our trip

3) continue working on Disappearing Hourglass Vanishing Hours quilt. I completed 30 blocks which I thought would be enough with sashing but have since decided to do a different arrangement without sashing so needed to make another 10 blocks. I have completed two and have the other hour glass blocks made. Still have to cut them up and remake them into the disappearing aspect

4) put together the quilt that is currently on my design wall. The Orphan Block Quilt - Orphan Annie is completed

5) Do that Photography class on Craftsy. I have rewatched parts of this class. I have found my disk for my camera and starting to make work of understanding it. Not got far but have started.

6)  So Make curtains as required for Fangirl's townhouse. Completed! She moved in Friday (well that was the first night she slept there. She had the keys from Wednesday) The curtains were all hanging by then although she then decided she needed another sheer curtain for a window that she had previously thought that she would just have a block out curtain on so we got that done Saturday. They really are very basic curtains but she is happy with them.

So with just one day left in the month I can say I have covered all my goals for September. Well the Craftsy class isn't complete but have worked on it a bit

Now to work out what I want to accomplish for October. How are your goals for the year coming along?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sunday Stash Report - a couple of little finishes

I surprised myself this week with a couple of finishes that I wasn't expecting at all. Earlier on in the week I made 2 new cloths for the head of my steam mop. I made them out of towelling. One was an old towel my husband had from before we were married and the other was from some towelling my aunt had in her things that I was given when I helped her daughter-in-law clean out her things after her death. (I talked about making them in this blog post)

I also made a postcard for a Fall swap organised by Sandi@QuiltcabanaPatterns That shouldn't have been unexpected as I knew it was coming up however it suddenly hit me that I would need to get the postcard finished before I left for our camping trip so I had to speed things up a bit. Still can't show you pictures of the finished product as my swap partner won't have received it yet (waves to Nonnie) However as soon as she lets me know that it has arrived safely I will post my pictures. I was rather pleased with how it turned out.

It was hard to calculate fabric used in these two projects as neither of them was straight sided but I did a bit of a guesstimate on them and came up with .57m for the mop heads and .28 for the postcard so the grand total used was .85m

No fabric bought... no surprise packets in the mail of forgotten Massdrop purchases so my YTD figures are

Used this week:                               0.85m

Added this week                              0.00m

Year to Date Used                       123.13m
Year to Date added                      90.82m
Net Used                                          32.31m

Fangirls curtains are hung and looking good. She decided she needed another sheer curtain in a window that faces the street. Its at the top of the stairs and gives a lot of natural light to the stairs and the hallway upstairs. She had a heavier curtain that would be good there at night and in the afternoon when the westerly sun streams in but needed the sheer curtain as well to give her privacy during the day. I just have to shorten it for her and my curtaining duties are DONE. I wasn't able to get decent photos of the other curtains I've completed due to the light coming in the windows but it is good to have the done and Fangirl is pleased with them so all good.

Linking up with Stash Report@patchwork times

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fitness Friday

This week I have been walking up a storm. I have made my 10 000 steps every day and am over 100 000 for the last 7 days actually up to 104 721. I've even managed to pass Fixit Guy for a few days... mind you that's mainly because he has been so busy helping our daughter move into her new home and all that that has entailed that he hasn't had time to do much walking. Still I have passed him and must admit that I am very tickled by that. My friend Sam though has 160 000 steps for the week. That is just insane! I have no hope and no intention of catching her.

Friday 10466
Saturday 15026
Sunday 14 264
Monday 12 842
Tuesday 16 152
Wednesday 19 893
Thursday 14 242
Friday  12 302 (till 8.30PM)

I even managed a run this week. Not a proper one and not a long one but I did run - about 2 kms all up. It was good to be able to get out there and do a bit. I was still able to walk this morning as well so that was good too.

Last Saturday I called in on my friend Betty and David. They are from PNG and were busily getting organised for Independence Day celebrations they were holding later that day. They were preparing traditional food and I was delighted to be able to stay on and watch them. There was various meats - chicken, fish, pork and lamb. There was also vegetables most of which was grown by Betty in their yard including Taro, Sweet potato and greens. They had a pit dug in the back yard and had built a fire in it which had burned down.

They had put a wire cage of rocks in the pit which had been heated till red and white hot.

They had another wire cage that all the prepared food was placed in. The wire cage was then placed in the pit and the hot rocks were put on and around the cage of food.

Then the pit was covered with leaves from various palm trees (and wet newspapers and old cloths since they didn't have enough palm leaves) Then the pile was covered with earth and it was all left for an hour or two. Traditionally the food was wrapped up in banana leaves and tied with twine but now a days Betty and her friend used aluminium foil trays and sheets of foil.

I was invited to come to the celebration that were held in local park. I arrived on time but discovered that things were running on "island time" and didn't get started for an hour or so later. I couldn't stay long due to another appointment but I had a lovely time whilst I was there.

So how has your week been? What have your fitness achievements for the week?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday
Straight Circles
This quilt was made at a workshop run by  Sandi Corrie. She had designed the pattern based on a mosaic tile pattern she had seen. It is made up of triangular pieces arranged in circles. The sides are all straight but gives the illusion of being curved. The pattern also creates an sensation of motion. The designer, Sandi Corrie, has a daughter who gets motion sickness and Sandi said she has to take the quilt down when her daughter visits because it causes her to get seasick.

This is a quilt which remained a UFO for many years.I completed the centre motif not all that long after the workshop but didn't get the top made for ages. I was somewhat intimidated by the finished quilts of some of the other members of our group. 3 of the ladies made the most beautiful quilts with lavishly complicated settings and surroundings. I  had started to make a very simple finish and then thought no, I should do something more special for such a complicated and challenging design. 

So it sat, not done for a number of years. Until I hit my “UFO busting” year. I decided done is better than not done and so I returned to my original simple design and got the quilt done! Since then it has hung at  two quilt displays our group has put on and has garnered lots of positive comments. I am very proud of it. It has also been hung at our church several times when its theme and colouring have suited the theme of the day/season.

I don't hang it at home. I don't really have a space for it but I enjoy getting it out when I can.

Quiltin Jenny

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

WIP Wednesday

This week
Made my postcard for the Fall Postcard Swap run by Sandy@ QuiltCabanaPatterns. I got it made yesterday and then did a bit of extra tweaking on it this morning. No pictures though until my postcard partner receives it. I posted it to Nonnie, my swap partner today so she should have it in a week or so and when she lets me know she's received it then I will post photos here. Got to keep the surprise. I also made two cloths

Vanishing Hours Disappearing Hourglass.
I posted two photos of my blocks on a Facebook group I belong to. In one I had arranged the blocks without sashing and in the second I had left a space so the cream of the design wall's wadding would show through to mimic the sashing. I asked for opinions as to which one to go for. I have received heaps of comments and people are reasonably evenly divided as to which they prefer. Some people were quite strong in their opinion and offered other comments as to what I should and shouldn't do which amused me somewhat.

Then someone on Facebook suggested this arrangement (which apparently is on Missouri Star)
Embedded image permalink
Alternate arrangement for the block
I really really like it. Its not as busy as the other arrangement. I liked the idea of sashing because it was less busy and I love the cream spaces. This has the cream spaces but also has some interesting secondary patterns. I think I will do this one. I am going to do another 14 or so which will mean that I can swap out some of the blocks I am not so happy with particularly the one on the far right of the 2nd row. Its so pale it is reading white/cream

I have cut up the cream fabric and have selected 14 green squares from my stash so am right to go. Not sure when I will get to make them though... would love to get them made before I leave next week but we shall see.

Tea Shop Applique quilt.
I have made up all the blocks I had traced off. Working out how many more I will need to do to have enough for a quilt. I was figuring out alternatives in my design book the other day but haven't reached any conclusions.

My other project this week has been to get curtains made for Fangirl's new home. She officially took possession of it today. She and Fixit Guy spent a good bit of the afternoon putting together some of the furniture that she had bought and which got delivered today as well. They have been having fun with the directions... not always particularly clear. Tomorrow they are going to put up the curtain rails so I can hang the curtains and work out the hemline.

Embedded image permalink
bedroom and loungeroom curtains

So that is my work in progress for this week. What have you been up to?

Linking up with
WIP Wednesday WIPs on Wednesdays

Monday, September 22, 2014

An Unexpected Finish - and a really dodgy tutorial

Didn't think that I would have any finishes before I left for our camping holiday in 11 days but I surprised myself. Its not much but it was a finish. It was a start and a finish all in one day!

 I love my steam mop but the cloth mop heads were falling apart. Not sure if I can buy more of them or not.

My steam mop isn't a big name brand and its just as likely that the shop where I bought it won't carry the consumables that go with it. So I made myself two new ones this morning. I cut up an old towel that has a lot of history. My husband owned it when I first met him. Not sure how long he'd had it but it was the only towel he owned when he moved into the flat that became our first home. I had a small pile that I was able to add to his meagre linen store and our wedding a month or two later further augmented it.

His towel as I recall was pretty thin then and very small for a bath towel. When we got a dog a year or so later it quickly became the dog towel. But 30 plus years later we STILL had it Cutting it up for a mop head was a good use for it. Well I thought so anyway. He looked a little pained when I showed him the remnants. I offered them to him to make something of and he thought they would do well as rags. I agreed. All I did to make the replacement was to trace around the shape of the current one onto the doubled over towelling. When I cut it out I added half an inch for seam allowance. To make the side piece I measured the width and length of my existing on. I added half an inch each end for a turn over and half an inch to the width and then doubled it. I zig zagged the two base pieces together (I did it double because the towel was pretty thin. If I'd used a thicker towel I'd have done it one thickness) Then I folded over both ends of the side piece and stitched them down half an inch each. I folded the side piece length wise and then pinned it around the base piece, starting mid back and ending up back there too, butting the two ends up against each other I stitched it down using an wide seam. Then I threaded elastic through the side piece. I put the mop head onto the steam mop and pulled the elastic tight enough that it held on firmly but so as I could still get it on and off.

I made two mop heads. The second one was made from some towelling I inherited from my Aunty. It was just a strip of towelling. I had contemplated making some hand towels out of it but really... it was pretty ugly fabric and makes a better mop head.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Updating September Quilty Goals

Since we are over half way through the month I thought that it would be good to check in on my goals for September

1) Jeans quilt. The circles are all cut and 190 of them have the 5" square traced onto them. I want to get the other 65 circles marked and the 255 5" squares selected. The circles are all cut and marked. the 5" squares selected. Now call this quilt Jean's Jeans Quilt.

2) Finish tracing off the applique pieces for the tea shop quilt. Select fabric and get the applique ironed onto background fabric ready for our trip. Sort out embroidery threads to take with us. All the applique squares are prepped. I am still hoping to get more of the backing fabric cut up for the finished quilt so I can make more blocks if I finish off what I have already made. I will take patterns, backing fabric and fabric with me.

3) continue working on Disappearing Hourglass Vanishing Hours quilt. All the blocks for the quilt are made (unless I decide to make another 10) I have only 2 more quilting days left before we leave and not sure I will get to spend much time there on these days. Working out if I am going to sash the blocks or not

4) put together the quilt that is currently on my design wall. This was my orphan block quilt. The top is finished. I am not going to give it away as a donation quilt as making it made it rather special and so want to give it to someone special. Would have loved to have gotten it quilted before I go on holidays but that is not to be. (this is photo of it unfinished)

5) Do that Photography class on Craftsy. No progress made on this. Sigh

6)  So Make curtains as required for Fangirl's townhouse. Have started to make these. Fortunately she has chosen blinds for several windows so it is only two sets of window that need curtains. I have one set made apart from the hems which I won't do till I can check them off on the actual windows. The other set are started. I have the gathering tape pinned along the tops of the curtains but have to sew them on.

So two thirds of the way through the month I have made good progress. I have completed 4 of the 6 goals - ie 1,2,3 and 4. One has been started - 6. Only one not done at all. I am wondering if I should just give up on that Craftsy class and move on.

What progress have you made this month?

Sunday Stash Report - Zippo

Its been another nil all draw here this week. Nothing in nothing out. I think this is going to be the case for the next 3 months as we will be travelling for 10 weeks and whilst I will keep busy (my sewing machine is coming with us) I doubt I will get anything finished. But since I might visit a few quilt shops whilst travelling I guess I could get a few purchases. I am going to have to make sure purchases stay well below 30m so I end the year in positive territory!

Used this week:                                0m

Added this week                               0m

Year to Date Used                      122.28m
Year to Date added                      90.82m
Net Used                                          31.46m

Linking up with Sunday Stash Report @Patchwork Times

I have been working on a couple of projects but none are completed. 

Vanishing Hours had all the blocks that I was planning on making done but now I am contemplating whether or not to add sashing between the blocks, which was my original plan in order to make the top big enough (it will have a series of borders as well) however now I am wondering if I should just make more blocks to extend it by a row in each direction (would need to make 10 blocks as currently have 32 blocks - its 5x6 blocks  plus two extras. 6x7 rows would need 42 blocks) I just can't decide. Currently its on my display board without borders and I do like to little hour glasses that have formed in each corner where the blocks meet.
Then I spread them out a bit and see what it would look like if it had sashing. Can't get the full affect cause my design board is not big enough but I could get an idea. Still not sure which I prefer though

Orphan Annie (my default name for my orphan block quilt) is at a standstill. The top is done. Now I have to make a backing. But am undecided there. Was thinking about giving it to a dear friend in which case I would use minky as she loves the feel of that but really think there is another quilt I have in mind for her so this is as yet unclaimed. So it can have a non minky backing. Just have to organise it

I have at last started working on the applique quilt that will feature all things tea shop, using the applique patterns I ordered from the UK. I got three separate patterns and they are designed to be miniature quilts and a tea cosy but I am making them up as a quilt. Not sure what I am going to do with it in the end but it is fun making it meanwhile. At the moment what I have been doing is the preparation for stitching ie tracking the patterns out on fusible webbing, choosing my fabric and fusing the shapes to the background. This is my hand project for whilst we are travelling. I am going to take the patterns with me and some scraps of fabric plus cut up pieces of the background so I can make myself more as we go along. I am not sure how many more I can get done before I leave and I don't want to run out of hand sewing whilst I am away.

I do need to get one finish before I leave. I have to make my postcard for the postcard swap that Sandi @ quiltcabanapatterns is running. I haven't started it yet. Its a bit tricky for me cause part of me wants to do something uniquely Australian but where I live in Australia we don't really get much difference in our seasons. And we are now in Spring anyway but I will think of something soon.

I will also get another big finish shortly before I leave. Curtains for Fangirl's new home. However since I didn't count the fabric in I can't really count the fabric out now can I. Can't get them finished though until I actually get them started so better get off the computer and get sewing!

Hope you have managed to get some sewing done this week and even a finish or two!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fitness Friday - -Been a Great Week for Walking

I have had a great week as far as my walking goes. Each day I have made my 10 000 steps and then some. Having zero steps for 3 days the previous week on mmy Fitbit and only half my steps another day I really slipped down the rankings of my friends and I was working hard to try to improve my standings in the 7 day totals. It was a real incentive to get out and get moving and do extra running on the spot when possible. I managed to drag my ratings up gradually and by the time I got back to replacing the missed days I was able to not only jump up the rankings but also reached some great weekly figures. The last couple of days I have been in 2nd or 3rd position. I have a new leader amongst my friends. My Fixit Guy is an incredibly active guy I have realised. He even beats Terje! He doesn't run but he does come walking with me twice a day and the rest of the day he just buzzes around all the time obviously. Even the days that I walk with my friend and he doesn't come he still gets more steps than I do (Our walks are 5000 steps usually) It drives me nuts!

Our Steptember efforts are continuing. Our Team, the Emerald Walkers has still not achieved our fundraising target so if any of you would like to donate this is the link. We have improved our rankings this week though as far as steps goes. We are now 203rd in Australia.  Our combined step total is 724,943.There has only been one day that I haven't made my 10 000 steps since it started. Fangirl got sick just as Steptember started and had 7 days of colds and tonsillitis and generally not feeling up to par so her step efforts were not great. Fixit Guy has challenged her. He is going to donate $10 each day she makes her steps and has challenged her that she should make a donation each day she doesn't make her steps. She has agreed and the push is on

Today Fixit Guy (I almost called him Fitbit Guy! ) Fangirl and I are in Rockhampton looking for  curtains and blinds for her new townhouse as well as furniture. Well that's what Fangirl and I are looking for. Fixit Guy has some camping related stuff he is going to look at and other stuff that is going to require him to go to hardware shops. Funny story about this trip. We left home yesterday afternoon. Fixit Guy and I picked up Fangirl at her place. She had just hopped in the car when she realised she had left her sunglasses in the house so she ran back in to get them. Fixit Guy realised that he had left his wallet at home so we went back to our house to get that. I was laughing at them both for their forgetfulness and said I hadn't forgotten anything... or at least hadn't realised and I would remember when we got to C, a little town 20 minutes on our way to Rockhampton. No... I didn't remember anything then.... but 2 hours into the journey remembered that MY wallet was in my car. I had taken it with me when I went out to teach religion and had put it in the centre console of the car... and it was still there. Ooops. Guess I am not spending much money this trip!

I am not going to go near my weight loss woes. At least with making a big effort with my steps I am not putting on anything -much. I am back into the 89kgs though so really have to try a bit harder to watch what I am eating. 

My Steps for this week
Friday 17 540 I had realised I had lost 3.5 days of steps so was really trying to get extra steps
Saturday 15 633 Went to an open day at a local museum with a friend
Sunday 13 941 Despite only getting one walk and having the morning in church was able to get steps up  due to volunteering at a bike day for ORH and serving at cafe at aged care home
Monday 16 737 2 walks and house cleaning can help the steps
Tuesday  16 219 2 walks and some determined extra steps about the house
Wednesday 14 790 2 walks and a day at patchwork sewing but a few extra steps around the place
Thursday 15 461 Despite driving into Rocky we still got a second walk in cause we walked up to find tea and then because Fangirl was still short on steps we walked a bit more to get some ice cream. yeah defeated the purpose a bit but at least we didn't do as much damage as we might have without the walk

No photos for you this week so here is one from last week when we were camping.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Quilts on the Double
Several years ago our quilt group had a workshop run by one of the members. She had attended a workshop run by the authors of a book called Quilt on the Double. The patterns that this book contained involved sewing strips of cloth together, slicing the units up and then using the units to make different types of quilts. For my quilt I used yellow and green fabric for my 3.5” (I think) strips and purple for my 1.5” strips. 

That is a rather poor explanation of the method. To have made just one of the quilts was a very wasteful procedure given the amount of fabric that would then not be used in the quilt. The units cut out were triangle units. As well as the two different triangle units that were cut out (called Tops and Tails respectively … I think) there were several other bits left over. I didn't buy the book the patterns came from. I got the units made at the workshop but didn't get back to putting them together (the workshop occurred just before the terrible bushfires that swept through Victoria. Our group became involved in making quilts that were sent down to the people who had suffered in these fires.)

I had all the pieces though and some notes from the workshop but when I was doing my UFO busting stint a couple of years ago I had no idea what to do with the pieces. Fortunately my neighbour and friend Sharyn had bought the book (and had completed both her quilts) and she loaned me the book so I could finish off the quilts. The book contained a good number of different ways the units could be used to make very different quilt tops. I was keen to use as many of my units as I could and not have to buy any more fabric.

This picture is of the first top. This is before I put borders on it.
Here it is afterwards. The outer border was made from some of the little left over bits (the book had a name for them. The corner stones were also made from left over bits – really cute little pinwheels.
This was the “Tops” design and this arrangement was spools… I think. I really am going to have to see if I can find my notes
The pattern in the quilt ia 3 dimensional to me. The yellow and green crosses seem to pop in and out

The Point of Sunny Tails.

This is the second quilt made from the left over bits from the first quilt. 

Despite not wanting to add too much extra fabric I ended up doing so because I really liked this design. The fabric came from my stash so didn’t break my fabric diet at the time. I was very pleased with the way I extended the pattern into the border. I did have to do a bit of unpicking of some of the units and restitching them in order to get the right  number of units required in the various colours. For some reason I had extra green and not enough yellow.

Quiltin Jenny

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WIP Wednesday

 Applique Project
Its  just over 2 weeks now till we go away and I finally got started on prepping my applique project which is going to be my hand project for our 10 week trip. This is the first block started. Need to get the others done as well.

Vanishing Hours
At Patchwork today I got stuck into this project and got all the blocks completed apart from one which I had mislaid the part of one block. I thought I must have left it at home but eventually found it in my box of fabric for this project. I also found that I had made a mistake on 3 blocks so have some unpicking to do but hope to get them made tonight. I have 32 blocks which is 2 more than I need but thought I would put them on the back. Now though I am wondering if instead of doing sashing between the blocks if I will make another row each way. Still thinking about it. 

Orphan Block Quilt
I got this finished during the week. I had some troubles with the borders but eventually got them on okay. 
Its sideways but you get the idea!

Now I have to make a backing for it. I had hoped to get this finished before we went away but have run out of time now. My daughter, Fangirl has bought her own townhouse and will be moving in a week before we leave and I have agreed to make her some curtains. We are heading off to look at furniture and curtain fabric on Friday so I will be busy with that for a while as well as 

So its been quite a busy week for me, especially given I was away from my machine for a few days and had a very busy time. How has your week been?

Linking up with 

WIP Wednesday and WIPs on Wednesdays

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Stash Report

I got a parcel in the mail this week. It contained 15 fat quarters from a bundle I had bought on Massdrop. I had totally forgotten that I had ordered it. Its from a fabric line called Pearl Bracelets by Lizzy House for Andover fabrics. Its the first time I have bought a complete fabric line bundle of any sort. Its a lovely lot of fabric and I have no idea what I am going to do with it. They are all tone on tone but in a range of colours. Not sure what I will do with them but it will be fun working it out.

I love Massdrop. They have recently started a craft department and have some really great deals. I just bought a gingher seam ripper. I like the fact that they post to Australia and that their postage rates are reasonable. They have had patterns, kits, gadgets as well as fabric as well as all sorts of technological gear. Check it out here

No finishes although my Oprhan block quilt top is ALMOST put together. I am just trying to get the borders on... had a few ISHEWS with it but its so close to done now. That has been the only project I have worked on this week as we were away camping and no sewing got done.

Used this week:                                0m

Added this week                               3.43m

Year to Date Used                      122.28m
Year to Date added                      90.82m
Net Used                                          31.46m

Linking up with Sunday Stash Report @Patchwork Times

Thursday, September 11, 2014

WIP Wednesday on Thursday

I can tell you now that at the moment there is no working going on. Fixit Guy and I are camping at a place where we have to rely on solar power so not enough power to run my sewing machine so I didn't bring it. For some reason he thinks that the fridge and the lights are a priority for the power we generate! The hide of the man! There is also no mobile phone (cell phone) reception so I can’t connect to the net out here either. A time for hand sewing – yeah only I didn't leave myself enough time to prepare any to bring with me. Arghh. We shall see how stir crazy I go over the next few days. (so far so good)

My current WIPs are
Vanishing Hours (Disappearing Hour Glass)
No progress from last week. All the blocks have been cut up and 8 have been put back together. I am loving the way the pattern is working out. My blocks aren’t all uniform but I will be able to fudge them and make them work I hope. Have been wondering about whether I will sash the blocks or not. Will get them put together and then put them up on my design wall and think about it some more. Because I am camping I won’t get to sew them this week at patchwork but I might break my self imposed rule and work on them  a bit at home.

Jean’s Jeans. (Denim jeans quilt)
No more progress from last week. All the circles are made and marked, the 5” squares are selected. All ready to sew. I will make sure I pack a denim needle to help my little machine cope with the fabric. I still have more jeans I could cut up. I nearly put them in to bring with me as my hand project. I could have drawn the circles cut and marked them but since I am not convinced I want to make a second one thought that I would leave it till I was sure. This is the method I am using. Its the Blue Jean Quilt by Penny Halgren 

Orphan Block Quilt (need to come up with a proper name for this one)
I have really enjoyed playing about with this quilt. The centre is together and I have been working on the borders. I made one that is checker board pattern from 4 patches. I haven’t attached it because I have decided that I will make a second border from flying geese units and sew the two borders together first. Then I will make one corner stone block for both quilts together. I am thinking of doing a pinwheel or a square in a square. Will see when I get there. I am still making the flying geese units.  Some of them I am making in pairs so that I will be able to put them together to make square in a square units. I am thinking of having 5 of these per side so have made 20 sets of pairs. Still need to make the other 64 flying geese for the single units that will go in as flying geese. 

The 5 designs. Favouring the far right one or 2nd left one. Not keen on the 2nd right one

Sorry no photos yet of fling geese border cause its not made. LOL.
I was doodling border designs in church and have come up with 5 different ones and will choose the one that I want to use when I go to put them together. I have ruled out one but like the other 4… maybe I will do a different one on each side. That would work.

Spring Organising Challenge.
Yeah – this hasn't really happened although I did clean out the freezer and the cupboard in the laundry on Saturday. It was good to get them both done. As a result of having every thing out of the freezer I decided to cook up a few of the things that had been there a while. I made Spinach and Feta rolls to use up some filo pastry and frozen spinach. They worked out quite well even though the feta cheese was just ordinary grated cheese. I also made up a quiche to use up more of the pastry and some ham. That worked well too. We had a lunch at church on Sunday and I took both with me as our contribution (spread the love and the danger… no one got sick so they were all okay obviously) It was good I had done the cheese substitution as one of the women who stayed for lunch can’t eat feta but can eat ordinary cheese.

Linking up with 
WIPs on Wednesdays